Saving and Exporting Documents to Local Folder

Users can save and export documents to the local folder by performing the following steps in the Document Viewer:

Click File à Save as from the Menu bar. The Save document as pop-up window appears.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Enter the details in the following fields:



Document name

The name of the document. In case of indexed documents, the document name can be selected from the drop-down list.

Select documents

Select the document(s) to be saved from any one of the following options:

  • All - saves all documents in the Document Viewer.

  • Current - saves the currently displayed document in the Document Viewer.

  • Custom - saves only the selected documents in the in the Document Viewer. When this option is selected, the Document Numbers text box is enabled.

The maximum size allowed is 50 MB.

Document Numbers

This text box is enabled when the Custom option is selected under the Select documents field. Users can enter the document numbers separated by commas, or by mentioning the document range without space in the text box. For example - 1,3,5,5-10

Download as zip file

Check to enable this checkbox. Allows users to download the files as zip file.

Include document annotations

Check to enable this checkbox. Allows users to save documents with annotations.

Click Save. The documents are saved to the local folder successfully.